Monday, May 19, 2008

CONTEST WINNERS: Mother's Day Gift Basket


My internet service is still down, but I can now announce the winners of the "Mother's Day Gift Basket" thanks to my dear friend Mariane. As I tip-tap away on her computer, I do it with shaky fingers.


Because choosing the winners was more difficult than I imagined it would be. All of the contestants who entered shared great lessons that their mothers have taught them. Some gave me goose bumps, others made me raise my hand in agreement for the words that rang so true. I was overwhelmed with these entries and I couldn't choose by myself, so I enlisted the help of Mariane (my ace since 3rd grade) to choose the big winners. Truth be told, every single one of you ladies who wrote in are big winners. You've been blessed with mothers who've showed you what it is to be strong and kind and self-sufficient. If your mothers could see how much you love them and appreciate all you've learned from them, I'm sure their hearts would swell with pride :)

So, after much deliberation (and a little tweaking of the prizes) Mariane and I have chosen, not 2, but 3 winners.

Yeah, that's right, I said it - 3 winners.


(It's a tie folks) - Mother's Day Gift Basket

  • Johannah Brookwell (Virginia)

  • Virginia Tanner (Georgia)


- 2 Brown Sugar Almond Swirl Cakes

  • Jessica Jane

Congrats Johannah, Virginia, and Jessica. Look forward to your goodies in the mail!!!

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